Year: 2017

Can Cupping and Acupuncture Help Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a frustrating and painful disease that overwhelmingly affects women. Some of the many things that make it so baffling is that fibromyalgia causes are largely unknown, and a fibromyalgia cure lies somewhere in the future. Fibromyalgia diagnosis is made after the doctor has heard the patient’s symptoms and after they have determined that […]

Treating Tennis Elbow with Physiotherapy

Get back in the Game: Treating Tennis Elbow with Physiotherapy Despite the connotation to Tennis, many common physical activities can lead to what medical professionals call “lateral epicondylitis,” or tennis elbow. The condition is felt as a sharp or recurring pain focused on the outside of the arm, typically where the forearm meets the elbow. […]

Arthritis pain? treat it with physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for Arthritis Arthritis is a disorder characterized by inflammation of the joint. Symptoms include joint pain and stiffening of the joints. The two major Arthritis types include Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis induces the immune system to destroy its own tissues, especially those that surround most joints. Osteoarthritis Arthritis is as a […]