
Is Massage Therapy the Most Cost-Effective Treatment for Back Pain?

No one should have to live with chronic back pain. It’s a constant obstacle between you and the fun activities you love to do. Aches and tightness in your joints can make it feel as though something is ready to snap at the slightest movement. While seeing a medical professional for treatment is the best […]

Top 6 Physiotherapy Tips to Help with Lower Back Pain

Unfortunately, the simplest movement, like picking something small off the floor, can result in excruciating lower back pain. While the pain can sometimes be short-lived and go away on its own, there are other times when it develops into chronic pain. If you find that your back pain is interfering with your daily life, then […]

What is Orthopedic Physiotherapy?

Orthopedic physiotherapy treats the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of muscles, bones and joints throughout your body. All of these components are susceptible to injuries or trauma like strains, sprains, post fracture or surgery, and repeated injuries. Orthopedic areas can include the neck, back, and limbs, meaning that an impairment can wreak havoc on […]