This safety plan is developed as a guideline for safely working environment at all clinics of Pro Fusion Rehab during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The safety measures have been developed in accordance with health and safety guidelines from Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Regional Public Health Units and regulatory bodies and colleges of health care provider.
Please be informed that following strategies are going to be practiced at our clinic to ensure everyone’s safety and health.
- Screening.
- All patients will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to their appointment, if a patient has been screened positive we have the right to defer or refuse the treatment.
- Phone screening will be conducted before entering the clinic.
- Upon arrival at the front desk, the patient must answer all COVID-19 screening questionnaires, and body temperature will be checked.
- All of our team members, staff must be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 daily and prior to working in the clinic.
- All staff members will be asked to self monitor their own symptoms at all times.
- Upon arrival at the front desk, all of the staff members must have COVID-19 screening questionnaires answered and body temperature checked.
- All staff members must complete self-assessment if they were exposed to COVID-19 or have developed any symptoms.
- Active screening signage will be posted at all entrances with the screening questions and instructions.
- All patients will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to their appointment, if a patient has been screened positive we have the right to defer or refuse the treatment.
- Physical Distancing and Working Environment.
- Chairs will be spaced out at least 2 meters apart from each other in the waiting room.
- Traffic in the clinic will be minimized, only one patient or visitor will be allowed in each treatment room.
- Non-essential appointments may be minimized for in-person treatment, and Virtual Care and Telerehab will be available and recommended.
- Sneeze guards or plexiglass barriers will be installed at the reception counter.
- Social distancing practices will be followed in the clinic.
- Contactless payment methods are strongly recommended.
- Hand sanitizer is in every treatment room, kitchen and at reception.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Hand Hygiene.
- Our Health Care Providers and Administration Staff will always be wearing PPE at work, it may include but not limited to, surgical masks, N95 respirators, gloves, face shield, gowns, safety glasses and goggles.
- All patients and visitors will be asked to wear masks when entering our clinic. The disposable masks and gloves might be provided from us if patients and visitors are having difficulty obtaining them.
- All used PPE must be discarded into covered garbage bins to prevent exposure to infection.
- Reusable PPE will be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
- All of our Health Care Providers and Administration Staffs are expected to practice routine hand hygiene consistent with the World Health Organization’s “5 Moments for Hand Hygiene”:
- Before touching a patient.
- Before clean/aseptic procedures.
- After body fluid exposure or risk.
- After touching a patient.
- After touching patient surroundings.
- Patients and visitors need to complete hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer at the following times:
- Upon arrival at the practice setting.
- Before and after use of weights, exercise equipment or similar shared equipment.
- Prior to processing payment.
- Prior to departure from the practice.
- Cleaning and Disinfecting.
- We will only use disinfectants that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN), certified by Health Canada.
- Treatment rooms, including all equipment, modalities and tables will be thoroughly sanitized after each session.
- Common areas including the waiting area, reception desk and washroom will be cleaned more frequently and have enough sanitization ready to use.
- High touch, non-patient care and shared items must be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day.
- All linens used in treatment will be placed directly into the laundry after each treatment. They must be properly washed and dried at the highest temperature setting available.
- Cleaning and disinfecting daily log will be completed by the on-duty administrative staff.
- Information and Communication.
- Providing clear information and instruction to all of staff members about this COVID-19 workplace safety plan.
- Share information to help all staff workers to understand the risk of transmission in the workplace and stay healthy and safe.
- By using internal communication tools include email, phone and text message to provide frequent updates about safety measures and guidelines from Public Health and Workplace Safety.
- Inform all staff that there is any related potential or active case that has been discovered.
- Management of Potential or Active Cases of COVID-19.
- If anyone of our staff or visitors shows symptoms in the clinic, they should return home and self-isolate immediately. If they cannot leave immediately, they should be isolated until they are able to leave.
- If anyone of our staff were screened positive, they will need to take the self-assessment tool and follow any recommendations given by the tool, including being tested and self-isolating.
- If any of our visitors or patients were screened positive, they will be asked to return home and self-isolate, the future appointments will be rescheduled.
- If any of our staff screened positive that requires self-isolation, they will be allowed to return to work after 14 days, without any symptoms.
- If any of our staff screened positive that requires self-isolation, they will be allowed to return to work before 14 days if they receive a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If any of our staff has COVID-19, we will contact local public health unit for guidance and support contact tracing, we also will follow public health direction and measures that need to be implemented.
Your suggestions and comments are very important, please feel free to contact us!